Evans & Co. Counselling is now
The Trauma Therapy Group
Please visit us at our new websitetraumatherapygroup.com


Our counselling practice is trauma-focused. Past trauma – whether sexual trauma, physical trauma, emotional trauma or other – can manifest in a broad range of mental health concerns. We have particular expertise in working with folks who struggle with the following:

Post-Traumatic Stress & PTSD

Disordered Eating Habits & Eating Disorders



Suicidal Ideation, Self-harm & Non-suicidal Self-injury

Grief & Loss

Ruptured Attachment & Attachment Disorders

Chronic Stress & Burnout

Our therapists have training in the following treatment modalities and regularly integrate these ways of working into counselling sessions:  

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)

Somatic Therapy

Mindfulness-based Therapies

Non-violent Communication (NVC)

Humanistic Therapy

Existential Therapy

Psychodrama Techniques

Self-Compassion Practices

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Therapy for Teens

Adolescence can be a turbulent time. As a teen we might have emerging needs for independence and exploration, yet we still long to feel safe, held and accepted. It is a time when we are discovering and experimenting with our own unique identity, and we are also likely seeking peer validation and craving a sense of belonging. If we have experienced childhood trauma or have encountered trauma as a teen, our natural course of development will have been interfered with. We may find that we have become either dissociated and cut-off from our true feelings or unable to contain painful emotions such as sadness or rage. Trauma therapy helps teens move through difficult emotions, unhealthy or unsafe behaviours, unwanted thoughts and unhelpful negative beliefs associated with past trauma. The remnants of trauma, though often scary and painful, can by healed and can even become catalysts for greater creativity and authenticity.

Therapy for Young Adults

As we move through our 20s and 30s and navigate the changing landscapes of relationships, family, career and self, old wounds may re-surface. During this period of shifting roles and expectations, we might find ourselves wanting to live with greater authenticity and self-assurance but not fully knowing how. If we are carrying past trauma, our entire nervous system may be overwhelmed and stuck, impacting our ability to move through the world feeling present and grounded and interfering with our ability to access our creativity. Our Trauma Therapists are trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) and employ a body-based, trauma-focused understanding of what is going on underneath stuck emotions. This approach allows us to meet people in their blocked places and become co-regulators for them as they learn to enjoy the beautiful connection, safety and creative freedom we were all designed for.

Online Counselling

As well as in-office trauma therapy sessions in Vancouver, BC we provide online counselling services, including virtual trauma therapy and virtual EMDR, for adolescents and young adults located across Canada. Please reach out to learn more or to book a therapy session.