Evans & Co. Counselling is now
The Trauma Therapy Group
Please visit us at our new websitetraumatherapygroup.com

What to Expect

We are committed to empowering creative young people to remember who they truly are and re-possess the ability to show up authentically.
Should you choose to engage in therapy with us, here is what you can expect:


Our counsellors provide a safe space and a safe relationship in which you can re-discover your true self and re-connect with a sense of wholeness and worth. Expect to have your strengths highlighted and used to support with your challenges. Our intention is that your truest creative self may feel both held and free.


When you enter trauma therapy, expect to be met with great reverence for your own intuition and agency. It is not important for your therapist to know every detail of your traumas. Our job is to help you move through nervous system blocks so that you may align with your truest self. We work with our clients somatically and often use EMDR Therapy (Google it) to support in the uncovering and amplification of inner resources such as focus, joy, courage and freedom.


Rather than viewing our clients as flawed, we recognize that each person has the capacity and desire for growth and change. Just as plants naturally reach for sunlight, we all have within us a tendency toward evolution and growth. No matter your history or current external circumstance, we will see you as a whole person with innate worth and will support you in coming back into alignment with the most authentic version of yourself.  

Meet the Team

Vanessa Coady, MEd, RCC, RMT

Trauma Therapist

My name is Vanessa Coady, and I'm excited to potentially be a participant in your journey towards healing. Health and well-being has been a central tenet of my life for over a decade now, initially as a Registered Massage Therapist, and now as Registered Clinical Counsellor. My history as a health care professional has informed my counselling in that I believe any challenge we encounter will see impacts in our emotions, our thoughts, and our physical body. By tuning into all three, we can turn signs of distress into sources of insight, and as resources for self-soothing and emotional management. To that end, EMDR is my preferred approach for assisting clients in facing and moving through traumas big and small, integrated with elements of mindfulness, self-compassion, skill-building, and role play techniques.

If you're here, it's probably because you've identified something in your life you aren't satisfied with and you're ready to try something new. That urge to do something different will be the key to your success if you only nurture it. I'd love to help you do that. I enjoy working with individuals from all ages, cultures, genders and sexuality, particularly with members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, and people struggling with chronic pain. Areas of concern I have a particular interest in are anxiety, trauma, self-esteem, identity, organizational coaching, meaning generation, and managing chronic pain.

My own healing journey has been one of learning self-love, self-acceptance, and building self-confidence. I live in Vancouver with my fiancée and our two cats, and I spent my free time playing board games, watching bad reality television, and crafting.

Vanessa Coady, MEd, RCC, RMT

Trauma Therapist

Audrey Carriere, MA, RCC, CCC

Trauma Therapist

My name is Audrey, I am a Clinical Counsellor providing trauma-informed therapy centered around healing the nervous system. With a background in the medical field and expertise in both physical and mental health, I like to support my client's uniqueness by using a holistic approach.

I use a variety of tools and specialized training to guide clients through healing from trauma, such as EMDR, emotion-focused therapy, and nervous system regulation. I recognize the connection between physical and mental well-being and guide my clients through the understanding of their body's response to stress.

As well, my empathetic nature fosters trust and rapport, supporting the development of meaningful connections regardless of my clients' sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, or spiritual beliefs. Reach out if you think we could be a good fit!

Audrey Carriere, MA, RCC, CCC

Trauma Therapist

Hung Hsuan (Sandy) Wu, MA, RCC

Trauma Therapist

Hello! My name is Hung Hsuan (Sandy). I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors, and I hold a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology degree from Adler University.

I am passionate about supporting individuals to ease their suffering, and I feel humble about walking with my clients in their healing journey. I view each challenge and suffering we encounter as a learning opportunity that can help us connect with our internal selves and move forward and closer to the life we like to achieve. Each of us has the strength we need to overcome the challenges and ease the suffering. I strive to foster a safe space for the client to express themselves by being patient, flexible, and open-minded. Empathy, genuineness, and mindfulness are the foundations that allow me to create a supportive and judgment-free space for my clients.

I have training and experience in working with people who struggle with anxiety, depression, and stress, and also individuals who experience trauma, abuse, and violence. I support my clients in their healing journey by integrating various techniques, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), mindfulness-based approaches (including ACT and DBT), and trauma-informed practices. I provide counselling services in English and Mandarin.

您好,我是吳虹萱。 我擁有心裡輔導諮詢碩士學位,是一位卑詩省註冊臨床心理諮商師。我熱衷於幫助那些因過去的創傷而感到困惑或停滯不前的人。在治療的過程中,我們一同探索自我療癒、心靈成長和人生方向。我主要針對成人的個人心裡輔導諮詢,範疇包括:焦慮、憂鬱與失落、自我成長探索、關係議題、正念、性侵害/家暴創傷。無論您當下正在面對哪些困境,我非常樂意與您會面和聆聽您的故事。


Hung Hsuan (Sandy) Wu, MA, RCC

Trauma Therapist

Gabriella Evans, MA, RCC, CCC

Trauma Therapist

My name is Gabriella and first and foremost I am a human. I am here to learn, play, grow and love. I am passionate about mindfulness, self-compassion and the mind-body connection. My mission is to add more creativity and joy to our world.

As a survivor of trauma, I have experienced and moved through the ways in which trauma can interfere with the natural functioning of the nervous system and create a severed sense of belonging.

As a mental health clinician, I have learned what allows us to not only heal and move through trauma, but to use our past pain as a portal to creative awakening.

I created Evans & Co. Counselling so that – via trauma therapy, and particularly EMDR Therapy – I could help individuals move through nervous system and psychological blocks and return to states of imaginative freedom and flow. I hold a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology and am certified with both the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

In addition to my training as a mental health clinician, I am trained as a yoga teacher and meditation guide. My clinical therapy practice is consequently influenced by Eastern thought and a somatic understanding. If you think we could work well together, I look forward to hearing from you and engaging in this life-giving work.

Gabriella Evans, MA, RCC, CCC

Trauma Therapist

Kristy Goltes, MA, RCC

Trauma Therapist

I’m Kristy and I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor and an EMDR and DBT trained clinician. I hold a Master’s in Counselling Psychology and have diverse experience in the human services field. I work from a strength-based, trauma and culturally informed lens, and respect the uniqueness each individual brings. I value an eclectic, holistic approach to therapy and wellness in that I draw from various therapeutic approaches to best fit your needs, while looking at and supporting all aspects of you as an individual.

I found my passion in becoming a trauma-focused clinician after learning how much of our lives are influenced from the trauma we endure. Experiencing this myself, I set forth to contribute to others healing in order to help alleviate the symptoms trauma causes and to support people in finding their true selves again. I am accepting BC-based clients for virtual therapy at this time. If you think we would be a good fit, I look forward to contributing to your wellness journey.

Kristy Goltes, MA, RCC

Trauma Therapist

Brinita Dutt, MA, CCC

Trauma Therapist

My name is Brinita and I offer a trauma-informed counselling approach that revolves around collaborative learning, meaning-making, connection and discovery. I am trained in trauma-focused practices including EMDR Therapy, Prenatal EMDR and Mindfulness-Based Somatic Therapy. I am also certified in the Gottman Method for couples and Narrative Therapy. 

I have experience connecting with a broad range of clients from various demographic, gender, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. I work both in-person and remotely with individuals, couples, teens, children and families.

In all of my work, I recognize there is healing in play, connection, nature and laughter. I value respect, safety, authenticity and recognizing our shared human experience. If you think we could work well together, I look forward to meeting you.

Brinita Dutt, MA, CCC

Trauma Therapist